Gretsch G5566 Electromatic Jet Double Neck With Bigsby Rosewood Fingerboard, Silver Sparkle

Gretsch G5566 Electromatic Jet Double Neck With Bigsby Rosewood Fingerboard, Silver Sparkle
  • Gretsch G5566 Electromatic Jet Double Neck With Bigsby Rosewood Fingerboard, Silver Sparkle
Id de produit / Code de produit:193200 / GRETSCH-251-5901-516
État de l‘entrepôt: Aucune marchandise
Autres noms du produit:Gretsch G5566 Electromatic Jet Double Neck with Bigsby Rosewood Fingerboard, Silver Sparkle electric guitar, Gretsch 251-5901-516, Gretsch 251 5901 516, Gretsch 2515901516, 251-5901-516, 251 5901 516, 2515901516
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1427.39 EUR

Gretsch G5566 Electromatic Jet Double Neck With Bigsby Rosewood Fingerboard, Silver Sparkle

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